Saturday, September 13, 2014

[Sketch Trip America] Episode 6: Jeepers Creepers, Field of Dreams, Corns…. and more Corns….

Morning of the 28th. Breakfast was simple sandwich with boiled eggs. Sandwich was good but the eggs were especially good with the seasoning that Sumi prepared from home.

SUMI'S MIX - All-around player seasoning

7~8 seasonings for several different recipes are mixed in one bottle: Black pepper, rosemary, cayenne pepper, thyme, and……and a lot more, I forget. Sumi's Mix was put in my mother-in-law's diabetes prescription medicine container. We have a lot of them around the house. I hope my mother-in-law exercises regularly so we don't find the containers any more at home. Then I'd gladly buy real seasoning containers for camping. Go! Mother!
Another positive aspect is that the volume significantly reduces: several bottles into only one.   

We decided to walk around the Parker Dam State Park before we left. We wanted to know the place we had stayed the night. When we arrived, it was dark and we thought we saw some sort of a pond. Besides, the park ranger trio we met the night before was so nice, this place must be pretty special.

Pictures below are the view of the Parker Dam Campground.

It was a manmade lake with a dam and even had a beach with white sands. I've been to about 6-7 campgrounds so far in the States, and this place was the best in terms of the openness and vast landscape. Sad not to have swum in the lake, but we have to keep going combatively until we get on to the Route 66.

We marched on listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, and Barbara Streisand. My personal preference in music while riding in a fast car is hard rock and metal. American band music sounds somehow better when driving on American roads I found once I arrived in this country. The music seeps into the hot asphalt and becomes unison with the scenery. Of course, when we were driving on the country road, Roy Orbison and fast beat country music was best fitting with the road and the crops growing alongside it.

Two days since the start of the trip, I suddenly thought, "Where's our destination?"
From the beginning, our trip this time was different from our other trips. This trip had no real destination. Sure, we are heading for Los Angeles, but Los Angeles wasn't our destination. We weren't just heading for this one spot named Santa Monica, either, but the entire line of roads that connected to Santa Monica. The entire journey on the route. That was the purpose of our trip. Roads that never end, all scenery, and everything that we meet on it were our next destination. 'A-Ha! This is indeed what it is about crossing the country on Route 66!' A light bulb suddenly turned on inside my head.

Then, I remembered what we had met on the second day of our trip. 

Golden Rods along the road became our travel companion for hours.

Remnants of history that were seen from time to time.

And the biggest of the similar line of Ford trucks. The bottom of the car seemed to bounce up and down so much. I wondered how it would perform if it was in a monster truck show. Unfortunately, all I could see was the truck bouncing up and down on the top of a huge trailer truck.

And a fire-roasted corn on a cob.

We roasted some corns in a campfire last night. When we were roasting them, we hadn't a slightest idea how we would not be able to get away from this realm of corns for three days.

We drove two days straight passing Pennsylvania and Ohio and arrived in Indiana. We had met more corns than the entire population of seven billion people of the world. Everywhere we went, corns greeted and cheered us from the roadside. They can stop now, I thought, but still continued on when we drove over a hill. We waved back at them. Then I realized the faces of the corn looked all different as 7 billion of people on Earth all look different. You keep looking carefully, then you can tell the subtle differences naturally. Thank you corns, We appreciate all your greetings and cheers. You can stop at the end of Indiana please.

Click to go to Jingoogk's original blog in Korean: 


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